Emma Boswell

Emma Boswell
Emma has worked for Sense since 2006, as the National Usher co-ordinator for the Usher Service. She provides information, advice, training, and assessments; all related to Usher syndrome. The service covers England, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

She is also the current Chair of the International Usher Network, (under DbI- Deafblind International).

Emma gained a Postgraduate Diploma in Deafblind studies in 2012 from the University of Birmingham.

I have Usher syndrome which brings a unique perspective to my work, one of personal experience, and the ability to empathize with the people I meet. I have delivered many presentations, including being the plenary speaker at international conferences, delivered training, and facilitated workshops abroad and here in the U.K. In my spare time, I set up a cancer group aimed at deaf and deafblind people and am the current chair of that group: Deaf Cancer Support Group.