The DbI Outdoor Network is for all people who enjoy or use the outdoor environment. It is open to people whose deafblindness is either acquired or congenital as well as to families, support staff and interested professionals. We hope this network will encourage people who are deafblind and the people who support them to use and enjoy the outdoor environment by:
- Promoting the use of the outdoors with and for people who are deafblind for leisure, educational and therapeutic purposes.
- Developing an understanding of some of the theories relating to the beneficial use of the outdoor environment and how these might apply to people who are deafblind.
- Sharing practice of and opportunities for using the outdoors with people who are deafblind.
- Sharing different cultural ways of using and viewing the outdoor environment.
For a list of relevant literature in this area see here.
Members of the network have been meeting on an annual basis since 2012 to share experiences of activities.
If you would like to be a part of this network, have an outdoor event you wish to publicise or just want more information please contact Joe Gibson via email or visit our Facebook page called Outdoor Network, Deafblind International.

Joe Gibson
Network Leader
Kari Schjøll Brede
Assistant Network Leader
Ingrid Korenstra
Assistant Network Leader
Mijkje Worm
Assistant Network Leader
Register Individual DbI and Network Membership – Deafblind International