
General Information on Deafblindness (And Related Syndromes)

About CHARGE Syndrome
Accesibility of websites from Deafblind Ontario Services
Anne Sullivan Library
Bloom Library
CHARGE Syndrome Foundation Webinars
Chetana Library
DeafBlind Ontario Services
Deafblind Virtual Resource Centre (DVRC), DeafBlind Ontario ServicesDownload file
Library of the Lega del filo d’oro (with publications in Italian and English)
Listing of Resources from the Perkins School for the Blind Research Library, Boston, Mass. USA related to siblings of deafblind IndividualsDownload file
National Sensory Impairment Partnership
Nordic Welfare Centre: Physical and Mental Health at People with Usher type 2 (English subtitles)
Nordic Welfare Centre: Theory of Mind and Alstroms Syndrome (English subtitles)
Open Hands, Open Access (OHOA): Deaf-Blind Intervener Learning Modules
Perkins Library
Perkins Publications
SENSE India publications
Specialist resources, training and organisational contacts related to sensory impairment in UK
UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesDownload file

Resources in foreign languages

Apsocecat (Associació Catalana pro Persones amb Sordceguesa)
Article “Cognitive Assessment of Children Who Are Deafblind: Perspectives and Suggestions for Assessments”link to download
Article “Cognitive Assessment of Children Who Are Deafblind: Perspectives and Suggestions for Assessments” in Spanishlink to download
Center for special materials on deafblindness. Denmark
Checklist to identify people with Deafblindness in Spanish
Chetana Charitable Trust in English, Spanish and India local languages
Community of practice in deafblindness in French & English
DLAN Deafblind association of Slovenia
Education and Rehabilitation services in Italy
Educational Resources in Danish
Lectures on elderly and combined vision and hearing loss in Norwegian (English subtitles)
Library of the Lega del filo d’oro (with publications in Italian and English)
ONCE. Library on Visual Impairment (visual impairment, blindness and deafblindness). Spain
Perkins International Latin America: “Physical education for people with visual disabilities and deafblindness”
Research Overview Nationellt kunskapscenter för dövblindfragor
University Hospital of North Norway
Accessibility Guidelines from Deafblind Ontario Services
Anne Sullivan library
Children with multiple disabilities and/or deafblindness in Latin America and
the Caribbean: Educational practices analysis through video-films
Perkins library
Self-management for dual sensory impaired older adults: an effective approach? Dr. Lieve Roets-Merken, PhD
Internet Navigation for Individuals with Low Vision or Blindness

The Deafblind Advocacy Group Canada wrote an easy to follow manual to serve as a self-advocacy resource for Canadians with deafblindness based on extensive research and personal stories and steps needed to accomplish self-advocacy goals to get equal access to services to live fulfilling lives.

We hope that this manual will support individuals who are deafblind in learning to be an effective self-advocate to remove barriers such as access to information, systemic, economic, political, educational, transportation, attitudinal, medical, and social services.

We also request you to share the link to this self-advocacy manual with your contacts, friends, family members so they can benefit from this excellent resource.

Download the Manual

Watch the video version on YouTube