Deafblind International DbI is THE point of connection in deafblindness worldwide. We connect to maximize positive impact for and with all those concerned and involved.
As an international not-for-profit membership organization we have a constitution, members from around the globe, 17 thematically or geographically focused Networks and are managed by a volunteer Board.
We are passionate about bringing together individuals and organizations, persons concerned and involved like family members, professionals and researchers. We are connecting to make a real difference in the lives of people with deafblindness around the world.

Our Vision
DbI is THE effective point of connection in deafblindness worldwide.
We, therefore, “Connect to Act”.
Our Purpose
DbI is THE point of connection in deafblindness to maximize positive impact with and for all those concerned and involved.
Our Core Values
We believe in:
The Power of Social Connection. Sharing and fostering a community where people come first.
Diversity. Promoting integrity and inclusion for each and everyone concerned and involved worldwide.
Passion. People working together in a welcoming, open and helpful way.
Objectives 2023-2027
- Clear progress in recognition of deafblindness as a unique and distinct disabiltity, with:
- An approved ICF Core Set for deafblindness
- A DbI recommendation for a functional definition of deafblindness
- A successful Global Education Campaign in all 3 focus regions and beyond
- Clear progress in becoming THE link to information and exchange in the field, with:
- Vital and communicative Networks
- Further strengthened DbI communication
- Affordable conferences with lasting impact
- Clear progress in becoming more inclusive, participative and relevant, with:
- Close partnership with WFDB
- Newly clarified structures and processes
- Active roles in the International Council for Eduction of People with Visual Impairment ICEVI, in the International Communication Rights Alliance ICRA (and therefore also in collaboration with the International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication ISAAC), in ther International Disability and Development Consortium IDDC and in the Economic and Social Council of the UN ECOSOC
DbI Constitution
DbI`s constitution was agreed upon unanimously by the final meeting of the outgoing Executive Committee of DbI on Friday 18 July 1997 in Madrid, Spain, at the time of the 4th European Conference on Deafblindness. It was further amended by the DbI Council at a meeting in Athens, Greece, on the 21st of September 2002. These amendments were approved by the General Assembly held at the World Conference in Canada on Wednesday 6th August 2003.
Further amendments were then agreed by the DbI Council at a meeting in the Netherlands on the 28th of February 2004, in Kuala Lumpur on the 18th of July 2006 and in Perth on the 25th of September 2007. These amendments were approved by the General Assembly held at the World Conference in Perth on Wednesday 26 September 2007. Further amendments were then agreed by the DbI Council at a meeting in Senigallia on Tuesday 22nd September 2009. These amendments were approved by the General Assembly held at the European Conference in Senigallia on Thursday the 24th of September 2009.
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