CBM Christoffel-Blindenmission – Christian Blind Mission e.V.
Nationellt kunskapcenter för dövblindfragor
ONCE – Programa de Sordociegos
African Federation of Deafblind (AFDB)
Ethiopian National Association of the Deafblind (ENADB)
APASCIDE – Spanish Association of Parents of Deafblind People
Asociacion de Sordociegos de Nicaragua
Danske Døvblindfødtes Forening (Danish Parents Asso.)
Hellenic Association of Deafblind
Kalorama, Centrum voor doofblinden
National Advisory Unit of deafblindness
National Institute for the Blind, Visually Impaired and the Deafblind
Österreiches Hilfswerk für Taubblinde
Overbrook School for the Blind
Pancyprian Organization of the Blind
Perkins International Central America & Caribbean — Regional Center for people with deafblindness
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen FSSC Faculteit GMW
Spanish Federation of Deafblindness (FESOCE)
SZB Beratungsstelle für Taubblinde- und Hörsehbehinderte Menschen
Tanne, Schweizerische Stiftung für Taubblinde
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
The Center For Deafblindness and Hearing Loss (CDH)
The Finnish Deafblind Association
The Hong Kong Society for the Blind