Sonja van de Molengraft, who holds a diploma in “Specialist Educator” and has a Master’s degree in “Communication and Congenital Deafblindness”, obtained in her country of origin (the Netherlands), has since worked in the field…
Author: Ilya Platonov
Simon Allison
A practitioner for Sense in the UK for over 20 years. Coordinator of the Deafblind International Youth Network (DbIYN) since 2014. CEO of Drama Express, a charity that provides opportunities for children and young people…
Roxanna Spruyt-Rocks
As Chief Executive Officer of DeafBlind Ontario Services in Ontario, Canada, Roxanna has provided leadership in deafblind awareness, training, programs, and services since 2003. DeafBlind Ontario Services provides accessible residential and customized support services across…
Richard Kramer
Richard was appointed Sense and Sense International Chief Executive in July 2018, having joined as Deputy Chief Executive in 2013.Prior to joining Sense, Richard worked at Turning Point, the social enterprise organization, for ten years.…
Ricard Lopez
Ricard is the father of Clara (1991), deafblind due to a prematurity birth. In 1999 he founded APSOCECAT the Catalan Association for the Deafblind, and in 2008 FESOCE, the first Spanish Federation for the Deafblind.…
Pawlos Kassu Abebe
Pawlos Kassu Abebe (PhD) is Deaf and teaches at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia. In addition to teaching and research, he also coordinates a project funded by Kentalis International focused on research in Deafblindness and development…