Dr. Andrea Wanka, is a teacher for special education of children with deafblindness and currently working as a Professor for Deafblindness and Early Education of children with complex needs at the University of Education Heidelberg.…
Category: Persons
In this section you will find a list of specialists working with deafblindness, including those participating or mentioned on this site.
Please review the list below or use the search form.
Cathy Proll
Cathy has been involved in the development and provision of services to adults and children who are deafblind since the early ’80s. Her career began working with children who were congenitally deafblind in the provincial…
Esther van Dijk
ROYAL KENTALIS Royal Kentalis is a national organization in the Netherlands, specialized in providing diagnostics, care and education amongst others to persons who are deafblind. Our expertise is focused on bridging communication barriers. Our staff…
Gloria Rodriguez Gil
Gloria Rodríguez-Gil is the Director, Latin America, and the Caribbean, for Perkins International. Born and educated in Costa Rica, Spain, and the United States. Currently, she leads Perkins International programs in Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, and…
Henriette Hermann Olesen
As a student in 1995 was placed in a residential home for adult people with congenital deafblindness for my internship. I didn’t know anything about this combinated sensory loss, and what its impact on a…