DbI is deeply concerned about any war and any armed conflict. DbI is standing for international cooperation for the sake of people with deafblindness, their families, friends, organizations and researchers in the field. DbI always works from the basis of Human Rights and International Law.
DbI will always continue to work and collaborate as internationally as possible to work towards our mission. DbI will stay THE effective point of connection in deafblindness worldwide. We stand up together with and for people with deafblindess no matter where they live in the world.
Taking this stand, we call for respecting and protecting the rights of people with deafblindness in war, armed conflicts and as refugees. Please reach out to DbI if you think that we can support with information about deafblindness, advice, and our worldwide network in any such unfortunate situation.
Let’s stand together, keep working on fair and positive global partnerships and do all we can with and for the persons confronted with wars and armed conflicts.
DbI Board and Management Committee, and World Federation of the Deafblind WFDB, November 2023