Year: 2023
DbI on Armed Conflicts and Wars
DbI is deeply concerned about any war and any armed conflict. DbI is standing for international cooperation for the sake of people with deafblindness, their families, friends, organizations and researchers in the field. DbI always…
ICF Core Set for Deafblindness
Under the leadership of members of Deafblind International, an international team is currently in the process of developing the first version of the ICF Core Sets for deafblindness.
Join us for the World Federation of the Deafblind 2nd Global Report Session
Join Chris Woodfill, Associate Executive Director ofHelen Keller National Centre, for an introduction to thisreport, why it is important for Canadians, and how wecan use this report as an important advocacy tool forCanadians who are…
DbI 2023 Conference Video Interviews by Deafblind Victoria (DBV)
Deafblind Victoria (DBV) attended the recent DbI conference to give a poster presentation about how deafblind people run the organization. At the conference members of the organization met many other wonderful deafblind people from around…
Communication with Deafblind People in Zambia: A SWOT Analysis
Sometimes good projects trigger so much that even a small continuation can be realized. This is the case with the 1st African Researchers` Initiative of DbI. Here a follow-up study in Zambia by Racheal Muuma…