Each month, DBI ComCom is pleased to spotlight one of the 14 Networks. Please let us introduce the Network of the month – Youth Network. The chair – Simon Allison shared with us the results of the great work they do.
Description of the video
The movie starts with the logo of DbI on the white screen. The logo depicts hands drawn in green reaching the Earth colored green, too. The text below reads: Deafblind International DbI. The word Deafblind is in bold, colored violet, others are in green.
Then a swift happy tune begins and DbI logo is changed to another one. It presents the Earth colored green and blue. Two hands from the top and one from the bottom are hugging the Earth, each hand has its own color from dark to light one. An orange line surrounds the globe with the text: DbIYN.
The background of a shot is changed to the black one with the red headline imitating typing a text: About the Network. The text in white reads: The Deafblind International Youth Network (DbIYN) is part of a group of specialist network that are recognized as one of the core activities of Deafblind International. The youth network provides a global platform from which young deafblind people can form peer group friendships through experiencing a range of network events including holidays, short breaks, exchange visits and participating in conferences.
The headline in red is changed into: The Aims of the Network. The four bullets appear imitating typing. The first one reads: the value and participation of deafblind youth will be fully recognized in the International deafblind community. Second: to provide a nurturing platform from which deafblind youth may safely express opinions and aspirations. Third: the breakdown of barriers that can isolate deafblind youth. Fourth: for deafblind youth to have a sense of ownership and belonging to Deafblind International including representation on the DbI board.
The text is replaced by the heading Membership and two bullets. First: this is free and open to all young deafblind people between the ages of 14 and 28 years. Second: associate membership is also free and open to all people that support deafblind youth and / or interested in the issues of importance to deafblind youth.
The headline is changed into Publications. The text below reads: “A Glimpse of our World” is a collection of inspirational stories from deafblind young people from around the world. Each story highlights how culture, heritage, and service provision influence the lives of deafblind youth. The book provides a unique insight into how young deafblind people overcome the many challenges they face in their daily lives and their notable achievements.
The video shot changes to the newscast and the newscaster says: Learning the surf can be challenging, but it didn’t stop the deafblind man Atushi from having a go. The twenty-seven-year-old, communicating solely through hand vibrations, catches the very first wave at Kurrawa this morning.
While the newscaster is telling about Atushi, the video depicts a young Asian boy communicating with an interpreter and a man. Then they assist him, while Atushi tries surfing.
A light-skinned man with short hair and a beard appears on the screen. The caption below reads: Simon Alison, deafblind international youth network. He says: All activities should be accessible for young people who are deafblind and we are here today to sort of make that statement.
The newscaster says: Atushi is visiting the Deafblind International World Conference, it’s on at the Marriott. The video continues with four photos of young people in twos at the conference hall.
The black background becomes red. Below the photos, the text appears: Youth Network. It changes to Youth Drama and Youth group. The background changes to black with the heading in red: Network Activities Disneyland Paris. The photo below presents two young boys and a girl with dark hair, all wearing blue T-shirts with the logo of Youth Network. It is replaced by the photo of about twenty people, some wearing yellow T-shirts with SENSE Scotland logo. Three of them sit in wheelchairs, others are standing behind smiling and waving hands.
The heading switches to: Network Activities – Zurich. The photo below presents five young people on high ground, the whole city is visible behind them. It changes to the photo of about ten young people with sailing ships behind them. The heading reads: Network Activities – Perth. The next photo presents a large group of people under the heading: Cornwall, England.
The video ends with the white text on the black background: General Enquires. Please contact the network coordinator Simon Allison simon.allison@sense.org.uk